- 鮮蝦菇菇豆腐煲 Shrimp tofu pot with mushrooms bean thread -
It's a very easy dish, the only skill you have to do is putting all ingredients in pot with order of layers! During the stewing time, you can cook other dishes and will not waste any time :)
The point is that, this tofu pot not only looks beautiful , colorful and yummy but also clean, fresh and light!
- 準備材料 -
1. 粉絲(一把)bean thread (take a handful)
2. 蝦 shrimps (5~7)
3. 菇(可用美白菇、金針菇任何菇)mushroom (any small size kinds you like)
4. 豆腐 tofu
5. 蔥花 chopped green onion
- 製作流程 -
1. 先將粉絲泡軟、陶鍋用超小火加溫(如果過熱鍋可能會裂,不能空鍋熱太久)
Put bean thread into a bowl of water for 10-20 mins till it soft.
Heat the pot to warm temperature and be careful not to overheat when the pot is empty due to causing pot split.
2. 第一層先放粉絲
First layer: bean thread
Second layer : mushrooms!
4. 擺上豆腐
Third layer: tofu
5. 擺上一隻一隻蝦
The last layer: shrimps
6. 倒入適量雞高湯
Pour into some chicken stock, in this case, I used 1/3 of the bottle.
7. 適量薄鹽醬油調味
Add a bit of less sodium soy sauce.
8. 加一些味醂提味
Use some mirin to improve taste (other option: sugar)
9. 加少許壺底油精
Add very little premium black bean sauce (other option: normal soy sauce)
10. 接著就蓋上鍋蓋,轉中大火至排氣孔冒煙代表已滾,轉小火滾個15-20分鐘嚐嚐味道有入味就差不多完成
Cover the pot cover and turn to medium high heat, till the air-hole puff turn low heat stewing for 15-20 mins.
11. 撒一些蔥花後可轉中火,依自己喜好看收汁的程度 :)
Try its flavor and to make some adjustment to conform your taste. After adjustment, putting chopped green onion on top and ready to serve!
1. 這道菜我很喜歡的原因是可以第一個準備,最後一個煮完,上桌時永遠燒滾滾!
The reason I like it is because it will be the final dish to cook, that means it will always boiling on the diner table! (Taiwanese love our dishes always heat ;P)
2. 關於調味醬汁的部分,可以先在旁邊調配好後再倒入,但我個人是喜歡一種一種加適味道,因為我還是烹飪初學者還在練習調味的量 :P
About sauce part, you can mix all of them in another bowl and adjust it or pour them directly in the pot just like me.
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